Congratulations to Our New 2022-2023 Scholarship Recipients!
The 2022-2023 DMTS Scholarship (founded by Deivone M. Tanksley Sr.) was awarded to two Connecticut students. Haneen Alkabasi (left), a Junior at Central Connecticut State University in hopes of attending Law School. Jordyn Williams (middle), a returning Senior at Central Connecticut State University in pursuit of her Master's Degree.
The 2022-2023 Next Generation Scholarship (founded by FLINT Program Inc.) was awarded to Jaqueline Villanueva Govea (right), an incoming freshman at Duke University.

These students were selected in a highly competitive process based on their academic excellence, educational and career goals, and outstanding impact in their communities. Our FLINT Scholarship Committee is pleased to honor their hard work with and assist them in achieving their educational goals.
Do you want to make an impact? FLINT Program offers our members the opportunity to impact the lives of tomorrow’s future leaders. As a member, you will have the ability to create your own scholarship and establish your list of requirements/eligibility.

Benefits of being a FLINT member:
1. Mentoring with student scholars
2. Making college affordable for students
3. Charitable Tax Deductions
How Does It Work?
Interested candidates will complete the become a member form:
Upon completion, our team will meet with the potential member and establish the scholarship criteria. Once all dues are paid, the scholarship will be published to the FLINT scholars website and other social media networks. Eligible students can apply online @
Annual Fees:
Annual Membership Fee is $150. This amount will cover the cost of administrative fees, marketing fees, screening fees, student selection fees etc.
Join Today!

FLINT Recreations successfully hosted our Annual "Spring Clash" 5 Man Contact Flag football tournament. Winners were awarded over 2K in rewards and we were able to raise over $1.5K for scholarships.

Pro (A) Champions - Cashout
Comp (B) Champions - NBR
Thank you again to all of our volunteers, participants, officials, and teams that came out to support.
Check out some of the highlights from the “Spring Clash” on our FLINT-REC Facebook Page. VIDEO LINK
Our organization would like to give a special to the establishments that allowed us to use their facilities to host our events. We look forward to the next one!